Part I Short Speech (2 minute)
Task: -- You are required to read aloud the following short speech. |
We are committed to the highest standards of excellence in improving the design, management, and communication processes for our clients. I-SSIS assists your company in the reduction of product development life-cycle while maximizing return on investment. Our deliverable e-solution products allow your company to build new technological capabilities quickly and affordably.
Our competencies in software engineering establishes I-SSIS as a leader in helping businesses plan, design and build custom software applications that achieve clear results, efficiently and effectively.
I-SSIS is committed to providing solutions that makes the most economic, technical and business sense.
Full confidence in our capabilities to deliver high-quality services consistently is the foundation of our client relationships.
Delivering results you need, every day.
(116 words)
Part II Presentation (3 minutes)
-- You are required to talk about the following chart, describing and comparing the survey finding: What consumers are buying for Mother’s Day? You might include your speculative reasons to support your argument.
-- You’ll have 15 minutes for preparation. You must complete your presentation in 3 minutes. |
What consumers are buying for Mother’s Day?
Part III Interview (3 minutes)
Now you’ll see an advertisement of Thomson’ Tailor-made travel. |
n Suppose you are one of the staff members of Thomson, a travel agent. You’ll have to answer some questions from a customer. |
[Contestant: Staff at Thomson
Question Master: Customer
No. of Questions: 8-10]