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    2007全国高职高专英语口语大赛试题 第四届全省复赛1   日期:2008-06-17
Part I                              Short Speech                         2 minute
-- You are required to read aloud the following short speech.
With the spring in full swing, we're all looking forward to the warmer weather so we can get out and about. And wherever you're heading, from the hills to the beach, from the UK or beyond, Cotton Traders is your ideal traveling companion.
From bold and bright, to soft and subtle, we've got a color palette to match any mood, across a huge range of clothing and footwear to match any weather. Look out for new colors in our popular pleat front chinos and elasticized waist trousers for men and our crop stretch trousers for ladies'.
You'll find everything you need in our new collection, from gilets to jeans, tops to trainers, with all your old favorites and some special new styles. Check out our sunshine styles, with lightweight trousers and short sleeve shirts for him and crinkle shirts and crochet tops for her, plus luxurious linen blends for both of you.
(152 words)

Part II                                     Presentation                    (3 minutes)
-- You are required to talk about the following chart, describing and comparing the average annual salaries in four different cities in a country. You might include some your speculative reasons to support your argument.
-- You’ll have 15 minutes for preparation. You must complete your presentation in 3 minutes.
Average annual salaries in four different cities in a country
                      City A       City B      City C      City D

Part III                                Interview                             (3 minutes)
Now you’ll see an advertisement.
n       Suppose you are a marketing representative of a travel agent. You have to answer some questions from a customer.
[Contestant:                Marketing representative
Question Master:         Customer
No. of Questions:         8-10]
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