Part I Short Speech (2 minute)
Task: -- You are required to read aloud the following short speech. |
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Association of Product Development and Management (PDM).
We are the leading advocate for PDM professionals in the world. Our mission is to improve the effectiveness of individuals and organizations in the field of PDM. This is accomplished by providing the resources for professional development, information, collaboration and promotion of new products.
The development of new products and services involves an integrated set of unique activities. We are the only organization that focuses on addressing this challenge.
Our 2,500 members span a variety of disciplines and industries - from the most widely admired new companies in the world, from the largest to the smallest, and from services of all kinds.
(114 words)
Part II Presentation (3 minutes)
-- You are required to talk about the following chart, describing and comparing the different numbers of road traffic accident fatality in New South Wales in Australia from 1934 to 2003. You might include the following considerations in your speech: population change, number of licenses, fatality, financial cost, speeding, drink driving, driver fatigue, pedestrian safety and motorcyclist & bicyclist safety.
-- You’ll have 3 minutes for preparation. You must complete your presentation in 3 minutes. |
Part III Interview (3 minutes)
Now you’ll see an advertisement of post vacancy for the senior policy adviser with the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML). |
n Suppose you’re an applicant who has been invited for an interview with the HR Manager. |
[Contestant: Applicant
Question Master: The HR Manager
No. of Questions: 8-10]